About Andria Hill Lehr

Andria Hill-Lehr is a freelance writer and author of two non-fiction books: Mona Parsons: From Privilege to Prison, from Nova Scotia to Nazi Europe (Nimbus Publishing, 2017) and A Mother’s Road to Kandahar (Pottersfield Press, 2008).

She is also a Registered Counselling Therapist and entertaining public speaker offering informative workshops on a variety of topics, including mental wellness in the workplace, pre-retirement preparation (not a finance workshop), humour, conflict, change, and stress.

Mona Parsons

An unlikely war hero, Mona Parsons was sentenced to a Nazi prison camp for helping dozens of downed Allied airmen escape

A Mother's Road to Kandahar

As a mother and grandmother, Hill-Lehr writes about her eldest son's decision to join the Cadets, then the Reserves, and then to be deployed to Afghanistan in 2006.

Woman on a mission

A true story of a young Nova Scotia woman who found herself witness to the Armenian genocide in the nineteenth century, from celebrated author Andria Hill